Bradwell Community Land Trust regularly receives enquiries about the work we’re doing and what our role is within the village, among other things. This section should settle most of your questions – but if you have any other questions, please contact us!

Bradwell CLT

If you are interested in renting an affordable house at Bradwell Springs, this is what you have to do: You must first of all register with Home Options. Visit the Home Options website https://www.home-options.org/ to see which properties are available. Choose up to 3 properties and put in a bid* for each. It is important to know that it is not just a case of registering with Home Options. You must bid for specific properties or you will not be considered for any house! Bidding for Properties New properties are added to the Home Options website as they become available. Check the website regularly and place bids for any chosen property.

You can set an email alert to be notified of when a suitable property is available. Properties will be advertised for a minimum of five days.

Bids must be placed by 11.59pm on the day that bidding closes. As stated above, applicants can place up to three bids at any one time. In the case of Bradwell these bids could be for any three of the four Bradwell Springs houses which become available in Spring 2021.

How to Set up an Email Alert:

  1. Login to the Home-Options website
  2. Click on the ‘Your Property Alerts’ button
  3. Set up your property alerts, choosing an area in which you want to live, the type(s) of property, the number of bedrooms and whether the property is adapted for disabled living assistance
  4. Choose between daily or weekly alerts
  5. Click ‘save’ and keep an eye on your email – you’ll be notified when a matching property is advertised

Allocation of Properties: Peak District Rural Housing Association is the agent for Bradwell Springs affordable homes. Using Home-Options allocation policies they will contact the successful applicant, check they still qualify, and discuss the offer of accommodation.

CHECK LIST: Have you Registered with Home Options? Checked the Home Options website for suitable properties? Set up an e-mail alert? Placed your bid?

*Bid is the term Home Options uses for applying. It does not mean offering money.

Bradwell CLT is not responsible for the works and has no relationship with the contractors. Please refer to the PDNPA, as the planning enforcement authority, regarding issues such as access, parking and restrictions during construction, which is expected to take between 2 and 3 years.

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

Bradwell Springs

Category: Bradwell Springs

All enquiries should be directed to the site developer, Camstead Homes, via their website. There is a contact form at http://www.camstead.co.uk/contact/ where you can enter your personal contact information and send them a message. The affordable homes are not for sale and it is intended that they should remain as affordable, rental units in perpetuity.

If you are interested in renting an affordable house at Bradwell Springs, this is what you have to do: You must first of all register with Home Options. Visit the Home Options website https://www.home-options.org/ to see which properties are available. Choose up to 3 properties and put in a bid* for each. It is important to know that it is not just a case of registering with Home Options. You must bid for specific properties or you will not be considered for any house! Bidding for Properties New properties are added to the Home Options website as they become available. Check the website regularly and place bids for any chosen property.

You can set an email alert to be notified of when a suitable property is available. Properties will be advertised for a minimum of five days.

Bids must be placed by 11.59pm on the day that bidding closes. As stated above, applicants can place up to three bids at any one time. In the case of Bradwell these bids could be for any three of the four Bradwell Springs houses which become available in Spring 2021.

How to Set up an Email Alert:

  1. Login to the Home-Options website
  2. Click on the ‘Your Property Alerts’ button
  3. Set up your property alerts, choosing an area in which you want to live, the type(s) of property, the number of bedrooms and whether the property is adapted for disabled living assistance
  4. Choose between daily or weekly alerts
  5. Click ‘save’ and keep an eye on your email – you’ll be notified when a matching property is advertised

Allocation of Properties: Peak District Rural Housing Association is the agent for Bradwell Springs affordable homes. Using Home-Options allocation policies they will contact the successful applicant, check they still qualify, and discuss the offer of accommodation.

CHECK LIST: Have you Registered with Home Options? Checked the Home Options website for suitable properties? Set up an e-mail alert? Placed your bid?

*Bid is the term Home Options uses for applying. It does not mean offering money.

Category: Bradwell Springs

Regarding the private sale of the Newburgh industrial site to a housing developer, the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) has permitted a housing development of 55 houses together with the construction of 6 small industrial units and retention of Newburgh manufacturing and local jobs in a smaller, purpose-built factory unit.It is expected that 43 three to five bedroom houses will be sold on the open market.As a result of the Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan and some hard work by members of the Bradwell Community Land Trust (BCLT), 12 two-bedroom houses on the site have been secured as affordable homes, for rent to local residents in line with the planning conditions imposed by PDNPA and the policies of Derbyshire Dales District Council.

Category: Bradwell Springs

Newburgh Engineering’s Bradwell manufacturing facility will be staying in the village, and is now housed in a new, custom built facility. This retains employment for the many local people who work there.

Bradwell CLT is not responsible for the works and has no relationship with the contractors. Please refer to the PDNPA, as the planning enforcement authority, regarding issues such as access, parking and restrictions during construction, which is expected to take between 2 and 3 years.

Category: Bradwell Springs

Work on the site began in November 2016, with demolition of the factory units. Construction of the new Newburgh Engineering facility is now complete and the factory is fully operational. Construction of the first phase of housing began in February 2020 and we expect the first houses to be available during the year (2020).The houses will be built in three phases.

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

Category: Bradwell Springs

The first thing to remember is that the village voted overwhelmingly to accept the Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan, and one of the key elements of the Plan was definition of the number of houses which residents felt was acceptable to be built on the Newburgh site. Peak Park have adhered to this aspect of the Plan throughout.A second consideration is that purchasing a large area of land such as has become available due to the contraction of Newburgh’s Bradwell operation is an expensive investment. No contractor could be expected to take it on without being able to recover their investment through the sale of houses on the open market. In this case, thanks mostly to intensive negotiations and with the support of Peak Park, it has been possible to limit the number of open market houses being built (remember that at one point there was a proposal to build 140 houses and none for local needs) and to also acquire twelve affordable homes for local people free of charge. The plan is to keep these affordable homes available for local people for generations to come. That is a big win for the village.A final thing to remember is that the new families buying these houses and moving in to the village will bring children for our schools and more trade for our local businesses, helping them to survive in these difficult economic times.

When the Neighbourhood Plan was being researched a Housing Needs Survey was carried out by District Council. This survey identified that the primary need was for starter homes for young families.

Category: Bradwell Springs

“Occupancy Clauses” can only be applied to houses built specifically for local needs (in this case the twelve affordable dwellings) and it is not possible to restrict or control who buys open market properties.

Affordable Housing

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

When the Neighbourhood Plan was being researched a Housing Needs Survey was carried out by District Council. This survey identified that the primary need was for starter homes for young families.


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