Bradwell Community Land Trust regularly receives enquiries about the work we’re doing and what our role is within the village, among other things. This section should settle most of your questions – but if you have any other questions, please contact us!

Bradwell CLT

To be eligible to rent one of the affordable houses, you do not have to be a member of the BCLT, but you do need to register with Home-Options.

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

Bradwell Springs

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

When the Neighbourhood Plan was being researched a Housing Needs Survey was carried out by District Council. This survey identified that the primary need was for starter homes for young families.

Affordable Housing

Category: Affordable Housing

Yes, there is a total of 102 affordable homes in the village. Dales Housing, Northern Counties Housing Association and Nottingham Community Housing Association all have affordable homes in Bradwell Parish. Dales Housing is the largest with 66 homes in Bradwell, of which 41 are designated older persons accommodation. Only 3 of the 23 houses have become available in the past 5 years. The majority of the turnover is in the designated older persons bungalows and flats (11 of the 15). Information Source: Bradwell Parish Housing Needs Survey Report: October 2014

To be eligible to rent one of the affordable houses, you do not have to be a member of the BCLT, but you do need to register with Home-Options.

Bradwell CLT will own the 12 affordable houses and has appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association, a professional, independent housing association, to manage them. The housing association will engage with Home-Options as a choice based letting scheme used across Derbyshire, to work with interested tenants and allocate the affordable houses based upon the Home-Options allocation policy. Preferential priority for allocation will be given to tenants with a strong local connection to the parish of Bradwell or an adjoining parish. Other factors taken into consideration for any affordable housing include your housing need, your resources, where you live and work and the length of time you have been on the register.

When the Neighbourhood Plan was being researched a Housing Needs Survey was carried out by District Council. This survey identified that the primary need was for starter homes for young families.


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